I wish to welcome you to
my homepage, it's quite new actually, so if you guys are not lazy enough...hehhehe,
please send me comments and suggestions through my e-mail. I made this
homepage during my SUKOM vacation '98, itu pun Ikram yang banyak ajar aku.
har.. har.. har.. it's not plagiarism isn't it?
Well, what can I tell about myself? There's not much, I think, but I'll try to exaggerate a little...hehehe, so you guys won't be bored reading about me. Skang belajar kat UIA, ingat nak ambik Electrical and Computer Engineering, tu pasal lah aku belajar-belajar buat homepage nie. Tambah-tambah pulak ramai bebudak batch aku (93/94) kat KISAS dulu dah ada HP sendiri, they influence me a lots to create this simple homepage. It sound funny isn't it. Untuk member-member, mai lah lawat site aku nih... tengok gambar masa muda-muda dulu. Long live KISAS!!! Long live UIA!!!
I'm into music, movies and of course, computers. I must tell you all
that I don't know much about computers but I'm learning...
I just listen to slow rock and speed metal music available, like Helloween, Manowar, Iron Maiden, Scorpion, Aerosmith and Gun & Roses type, I like to hear their music and some their lyrics influence me much, sometimes I listen to classical song like Vivaldi, Mozart, J.s Bach but I don't listen much of Malay songs. But I do have favourite singer, I don't know whether you guys ever heard of him before, it's Ramli Sarip and M. Nasir. He sings his poetry and I don't think there are much of his kind left now. I watched most of major movies nowadays, and I concentrate on villains. Some of my favourites, George Clooney, Anthonio Banderas, Slyvester Stallone, Travolta (Face Off), Mel Gibson (Brave Heart), Meg Ryan and Nicole Kidman. I love romantic-comidies too, especially the Meg-type kind of movies (and no... not Titanic), Slepless in Seatle, Adicted to love ... and I just usually watched via-vcd. I seldom go to the cinema now, 'cause the ticket is damn expensive! Maybe to Rex KL once in a while (the cheapest), you call me cheap, but I won't spend 9 precious bucks for a movie.
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